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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Writing a Novel

Every once in a while everyone gets the urge to write a story. I have had that urge many times and written many short stories that ended up left in a folder never to be seen again. All of those short stories are horrible. They are ridiculous. They are just plain bad.

Last year, I decided that I was going to write an actual novel. It wasn't until the later part of the year that I had enough ideas and motivation to start it, but since then, I have kicked out quite a bit. I have completed 28 chapters, 365 pages, and 85,000 words and I have yet to finish. The book is only half complete and already I am getting ideas down for the next book.

Am I crazy? Probably. But I feel that there is much more to my characters than what I have written in this novel. I do not want to devote a lot of time with their background in my current novel because I feel it will take away from it. So there *will* be another book.

Will I ever be a best seller? I don't know that. I certainly hope so. I think my book might be a good read for a variety of people because it focuses on the very things we deal with everyday in our real lives. It just has a twist to it. Regardless if it ever gets on the New York Times Best Sellers, I have had a blast writing it, I will continue to have fun writing it, and at the very least, I know that my husband likes it. haha!

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