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Monday, May 10, 2010

Name That Call

Last night I was lying in bed reading a book and I heard this strange noise outside my window. It sounded like a cow except that it was not long and drawn out. And this animal was constantly "mooing".

Living remote, you often hear strange sounds like this, so I didn't think much of it. Just another animal traveling through making noise. Or...

There is a large pasture with cows not far from here and occasionally a cow gets loose and we hear it mooing. We see llamas too, but I haven't heard them moo.

I ignored the animal as I closed my book and turned off the light. But then, as if it didn't want me to sleep, it got louder. My dog heard it and her ears perked up, alert and ready to defend her home. She does this silent bark thing that alerts me of something before she launches into a full blown bark.

Seeing as how it was getting late, it was about 11pm, I wanted my dog quiet so she wouldn't wake up my kids so I quietly got out of bed and flipped on the surveillance camera and the flood light. In the middle of my driveway was a baby moose. It was mooing...I suppose it was calling for its mom.

This isn't unusual. We see moose a lot here in the woods. I just never knew a baby moose sounded like a cow.

The baby moose decided that it did not like the flood light on him/her or the fact that it might soon be making its national debut on Youtube and it ran off. The dog settled down and I finally fell asleep.

But I dreamed about cows... haha!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Here's to all you mom's out there! Happy Mother's Day! And a VERY special Mother's Day wish to all my friends at the Second Wives Cafe! May you all have a wonderful day with your loved ones!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

10 Wonderful Years and Counting!

Planning our 10 year wedding anniversary has been fun. Now I get to sit back and wait so that we can enjoy it. 22 more days! I can't wait!

These past ten years have gone by so fast that it seems like we only met yesterday, but at the same time it seems like we have been happily married forever. Even now we are enjoying each other as if we had just met. We have had a crazy roller coaster ride in life, but our love has remained strong and steady. We have bonded even more over the years and grown even closer...could that be possible?? lol

Here's to the next 10+ wonderful years!