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Friday, May 11, 2012

Vote for Me!

Lately I have seen a lot of local signs and posters that encourage people to vote for them for commissioner or sheriff or whatever it is they are running for. The signs usually clutter the (usually) pretty scenery and can get quite annoying. But the thing I really hate to see is for these people that are running act like 2 year olds.

The other day my son and I were at the post office and as soon as I jumped out of the car, I heard this guy start yelling at this old man. He screamed something about the old man hitting his car. I happened to glance in their direction as I entered the post office and I didn't see any damage. Then I heard the man yell, "You are old enough to know better...blah blah will pay for this!" Deep inside, while getting my mail, and going to the counter to mail a package, I could still hear the man yelling. I was in there for a good 10 minutes.

When I came back out, he was still yelling at the old man, but now they were inside the post office. The man yelling was insisting that the old man pay for the damage and whatnot and I think they were exchanging insurance info. As I reached the door, the old man said "Sir, I did not hit your car and I will fight this."

People coming in and out of the post office were disgusted with this public display of this guy yelling at this old man. By the way, this old man had remained calm and collected through out all of this.

Back in the car, my son commented about what a jerk the sheriff was. When I asked him what he meant, he said that the man yelling had screamed to the old man that he was the sheriff. seems almost everywhere you go more and more officers of the law have a big ego and like to make scenes.

As I left the post office there was a massive sign that said "Re-Elect Sheriff Whats-His-Name!" I snorted, after seeing the "sheriff" yell at the old man like that, whether or not the old man hit his car, he handled the situation poorly. Okay, sure, I would be upset if someone hit my car, but I would not be making a scene about it in a public place like the post office, especially if I was a public figurehead and I was up for re-election. There are other ways that he could have handled the situation, but he chose to make a big ugly scene where many of his voters could see it.

Maybe this guy is a good sheriff and he was just having a bad day, who knows? But I don't think I would be voting for him simply because of the behavior I saw. Throwing his weight around as if he's above it all makes him look bad to all of us simple folk. The way he acted for something minor like a fender would he behave if it were something more serious?

"You hit my car and I'm going to make you pay! Vote for me!"

Something to think about...