Whether they want it or not, I have an extended family. No no, I'm not talking about my Great Aunts or my 2nd Cousins. I'm talking about my 4 Stepsons. Do I consider them family? Absolutely, and yet at the same time, a resounding no. I have never met them, and likely never will, but they are there. Though they choose not to be part of our lives doesn't mean that they aren't thought of. My husband (their father) and I think of the four boys often and wish them well in all their en devours.
My mother, sister, and grandmother are most definitely part of my family. Not just in name. We've always been a close knit family. When I was younger, we were always there and spending time with each other. Even though we are now thousands of miles apart, we are still close.
Friends? Well yes, I have some friends, and I would like to call them family too. It is a different kind of family, but still a family. We think the same, we have a lot of the same goals and interests, and well, we have a lot of fun chatting and playing.
Then there is my immediate family. My husband, my son, and me. It is small, and growing, but most importantly, we are so well bonded that nothing can tear us apart. In fact, many of the things we've had to go through has only strengthened our bonds. My husband and I are soul mates; we don't need to talk to converse, we read each other's thoughts so well that many times it can be scary. Just being together, even in silence, we tell each other "I love you more than anything else". It's something that is really hard to explain and can really only be understood by those who have felt the same thing.
So what is family? The people you live with? People you're related to? That is for each of you to decide for yourselves. Whoever you decide is your family, cherish the time you have with them.
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