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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Love, Life, Sex, and Trust. (Repost 12/3/2008)

Oh yeah, you read right, I wrote sex.

Love is important in life right? I mean, everyone has heard the part of the poem "A Life without Love is no Life at All." As humans, we are drawn to love. It is in our very nature to love, to want to love, and to crave love.

Where does sex come in then??

Sex is an essential part of a relationship. You know it's there. Admit it. Sex with the one you love brings you closer together. Your lives are intertwined and your lives are in each other's hands. That's where trust comes in. Without trust, there can be no sex. No sex, and your relationship is not balanced.

Trust in another person can be tough, but once it is gained, a relationship can really flourish. Which then brings us back to life.

Now that you have love and a great relationship, you can have an awesome life.

At least, that's how I see it.

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