What is a Memoir?
While he is writing his own memoir, I thought I would write one too. The following passage is only a part of my memoir.
I can still remember the year when I received my first bicycle. I was 7 years old and the year had been uneventful to that point, but with Christmas quickly approaching, I knew that would change. Just like most children at Christmas time, I sneaked out of my room very early in the morning to snoop around the Christmas tree. I picked up a pretty package wrapped with shiny green paper and a gold bow. It didn't have a tag on it. Was it for me or my sister? I gently shook the package hoping to get a hint of what was inside. It sounded like clothing so I moved on the the next package. This one was tiny and wrapped in a beautiful blue and silver wrapping. I knew that wasn't for me or my sister, it was some kind of jewelry for my mother. I looked around a few more presents and sighed. I knew I wasn't going to be getting a bicycle that year, it wasn't under the tree.
"Of coarse it won't be under the tree! It's too big!" I whispered to myself hoping that my mom didn't wake up and the sound of paper rattling. I stood up and crawled back into my bed. I couldn't go to sleep now, but at least I could imagine all the goodies under the tree.
Christmas came a few days later. When I went to bed on Christmas Eve, there was still no sign of my new bicycle. Sadly, I went to bed just hoping that Santa would bring it that night. It was very hard for me to sleep; I was excited and sad at the same time. I tossed and turned in my bed, then I would sit up and read a little bit, but all the while my attention was distracted.
Morning came, and like most children, my sister and I were out of bed at 5 am waking up Mom and Dad.
"Mommy! Mommy!" I squealed with excitement. "Wake up! It's Christmas!" My sister was on the other side of the bed doing the same to Dad. Mom and Dad opened their eyes tiredly.
"Give us 30 minutes okay?" Dad said in a scratchy voice.
"Okay." I said and grabbed my sister's hand and led her to the living room. I turned on the tv and we sat in front of it while a Christmas cartoon played on the screen. I had to distract myself and what better way to do it than by watching cartoons? The moment the cartoon was over, however, my sister and I were bouncing on Mom and Dad's bed.
"Come on! It's been 30 minutes! Let's go!" I squealed again. I was so excited that I could hardly contain my joy. Mom groaned and opened her eyes slowly.
"Okay, okay. I'm getting up now."
"YAY!" My sister and I shouted at the same time.
"We have to have breakfast first." Mom gave us that stern look which meant that we had to give in.
"Okay. Can I make the coffee for you and Daddy?" I asked and ran out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Mom followed slowly, tying her robe around her waist. The first thing she did was get out the coffee filters and the brick of coffee and handed me the scooper. I went to work as if I made coffee every morning. Mom poured the water in the pot and soon I heard the gurgling sound. Mom gracefully danced around the kitchen making breakfast. The sizzling sound of the bacon and the smell of the eggs warmed me up and I hopped from one foot to the other, anxious to open our Christmas presents.
Mom dished me a plate of bacon, eggs, and toast and handed me a cup of hot chocolate as I sat down at the table.
"ACON! BEGGS!" My sister shouted and picked at her eggs with her hands in her highchair.
Mom grabbed a cup of coffee and a slice of toast and sat quietly while eating, but Dad was no where to be found. Maybe he was just still asleep, but I did hear an awful banging sound coming from the garage. Was it Santa?!
I finished my breakfast and waited impatiently for my sister to finish playing with her food. As soon as Mom took away her plate, I jumped up and ran to the Christmas tree. It was beautiful all lit up with sparkling red, green, blue, and orange lights. The ornaments seemed to glitter in the glow of the lights. But my eyes went directly to the large blob of a blanket next to the tree.
"What is that?!" I pointed and jumped up and down.
"A surprise, now don't you want to open your presents?" Mom said as she handed me a red box. I took it, eagerly and ripped off the paper. A new Barbie! Then the next present came and I ripped through that one too. A new dress. Another present. Another toy. My sister was doing the same next to me. Before we knew it, we were lost in a sea of wrapping paper, bows, and toys. Mom started cleaning up the mess while my sister and I began to play with our new toys. As soon as the mess was cleaned up, Mom and Dad exchanged their gifts, then stood up.
"We have one more present, Nessie." Dad said using my nickname.
"What is it?!" I jumped up and down. Dad pointed at the blanket blob next to the tree. I had completely forgotten about it! I ran over and pulled the blanket off and there it was... my bicycle!
It was so pretty! It was purple with a banana seat with little yellow flowers on it. There was a big white basket on the front with yellow daisies on it. Purple streamers fluttered down from the handle bars. Immediately, I jumped on the seat and pretended to ride my bicycle around the house with a huge smile on my face. Ever since then, I was always on my bicycle. I had my first bicycle for years, even until I went to high school, though I didn't ride it as much, but it was still that cherished memory that held on to it.
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