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Saturday, January 16, 2010

If it's not one thing, it's another...

Just another little disaster in the life that I call mine. LOL

Last night I went down into the basement and I heard an unusual sound. Drip. Drip. Drip.

We have had some unusual weather and the snow was melting. Every year we have to pump our basement out because all the snow melt comes into the basement. Well, until now, I have not known where that water was coming from. I figured it was because the water table was high and the basement was below the water table. I think that is still partially true.

Well the dripping was getting to me and so I moved boxes, gorilla racks, and shelves out of the way so that I could find where the dripping was coming from.

I was completely and utterly shocked as to what I had found. A hole. A HUGE hole. It looked like the siding of the house had been chewed and rotted away which allowed moisture to get to the sheet rock - which was by this point- non-existent. I was looking at earth, roots, rocks, and water pouring through that hole and into the basement. Whoever built this house was stupid and when they back filled, they filled it a foot higher than the foundation!

So today's project it to temporarily patch that hole until my husband gets back home to do a more permanent fix for it. I just hope that it is enough to keep all the dirt and water from pouring into the basement.

Heh...and I know how Super Squirrel got in.

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