When it rains, it pours.
Things come in threes.
When it comes to me, that's usually the case.
This summer so far has been an extremely stressful summer. First, we find out we have to move and we had less than a month to move. I had to do most of it by myself, but I was very fortunate to have wonderful neighbors and friends that were able to help me. When my husband got home from his month out, he kicked it into high gear and moved all the furniture. I was lucky to have my mother come up too. With an extra car and set of hands, we were able to really kick butt the last few days of the move.

While we were moving, my grandmother had been in the hospital. She had come and gone into the hospital for more than 3 weeks between June and and the first part of this month. Finally, she was diagnosed with Small Lymphocytic Lyphoma. For those of us who do not speak medicine, it's cancer of the B Cells. She will be taking Chemotherapy.

And three - less than a week after we are finally moved into our new house, with my husband gone for a month again, my son fell and broke his leg. He broke the tibia clean through and the fibula in three places. We rushed him to the hospital where they had to take him in to get surgery. They put these flexible pins in his leg because he is still growing. And we have no insurance.

It's pouring!
But you know what? It's tough...VERY VERY tough. All these setbacks are very stressful and we're wracking up some more debt, but I think I've been handling it well. I'll break down and cry a little, let it out, and then I'm good for a while. I'm not afraid to admit that I have cried a lot recently, I'm not afraid to admit that I'm completely stressed out, what is important is getting out my frustrations and move forward. And now we're moving forward. It's slow...very slow...but we're moving forward.
The rain is a drizzle now and the sun looks like it's trying to come out. :D
1 comment:
Hang in there my friend. I could give you all kinds of platitudes but that would not help. I will say though that stress tends to shorten our lives. I know you well enough to know that you have done the very best you can do...what happens, happens. Take a few moments to the the good things.....like your beautiful new home, a wonderful sweet boy, and a very loving husband. The world will soon right itself. (((HUGS)))
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