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Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Things Kids Say

Last week while my husband was home, we thought we would check out the music store in town to see if they had any guitars for sale for my son. We've lived up here for a good 8 years, but never really explored the downtown area.

For those of you who are not from here, it's a cute little tourist downtown area with the old buildings. Cover it with snow and you get the little picture perfect ski town.

Anyway, we parked the car near the music store - which happens to be a flower shop now. I guess they don't do as much music as they used to - and my son saw a sign across the street and said,

"Hey Mom, Dad, we could go to The Secret Thigh cafe!" Both of us turned around and looked at him like he was crazy. What is my kid doing talking about thigh cafes???

Then he pointed out the sign.

The Secret Thai Cafe

Thigh - Thai.

My husband and I laughed and my son looked at me like something was wrong. While I laughed so hard I couldn't speak, my husband had to explain to him that it was Thai, not Thigh.

Then my son asked, "Well, can we go??"

"Only if they serve beverages."

Oh my!!!!

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