I love my hair!
I'm not being vain, really I'm not. Everyone should have something that they like about themselves because most of the time we are criticizing every little thing about ourselves. Your nose, your mouth, your weight, your height, your curves or lack of...the list is endless.
The thing I really love about myself is my hair. And if I feel bad about other parts of myself, at least I can look at my hair and I feel so much better. My hair is long, it's blond, and soft and wavy. People spend thousands of dollars to get their hair long, blond, and soft. My hair is like that without spending that kind of money.
Anyway, I'm growing my hair out long. It's already long - almost to my waist, but I want it to grow longer. So I have been spending a lot of extra time and effort into taking care of my hair. Sometimes people think it's a little crazy, like putting oils and lotions on the ends of my hair to help prevent breakage. Think what they will, at least I have gorgeous hair! haha!
For the past year, I have been looking for a shampoo and conditioner that works on my hair. I've tried all kinds of different brands - name brands, off brands, store brands, you name it. I actually found an off brand at the dollar store that I really liked, but I haven't found anymore since, so I had to start my search again.
Anyway, after trying different brands, I think I found one that I really really REALLY like and it makes my hair soft and shiny. The winner is...

Garnier's Fructis Moisture Works Cream Conditioner works so nice on my hair that I can't stop running my fingers through it. It actually feels like silk. The good thing about it is that it's not that expensive. I have been using the shampoo and conditioner for about a month now, and the ends of my hair feel thicker - which I'm really excited about because it means that it's working. No, it doesn't make your hair thicker for real, it just makes the ends less susceptible to breaking.
Anyway, I love my hair!
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