Hubby had an old Kirby and while it was good at what it did, it was HEAVY and the bags were a pain the butt to change. Because I never wanted to change the stupid bags, it clogged up frequently. I depended on him a lot to "fix" the vacuum so I could clog it up again. lol
When hubby left to start driving, I bought one of those vacuums that had the canister that you emptied instead of dealing with bags. It was a lot lighter and I could vacuum quicker. It was great. Until I realized that I had to empty the canister more often than bags. It clogged frequently and I could never find the clogs. Out came the shop vac and I would suck the clog out. Then I washed out the canister and melted it a little. I covered the opening that I created with the melted canister with duct tape, but it never sucked quite the same. It would often drop icky stuff all over the carpet.
I fought with these two vacuums for years when I finally decided last night that I would buy a new one for myself for Christmas.

So this morning, I put it together and marveled at how clean the carpet was! when I was finished vacuuming. This vacuum SUCKS! Super suck power! haha! Now I'll just have to remember to treat it nicely, not melt the canister, dump the bucket out, and watch for clogs.
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