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Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Best Christmas EVER!

At least those are the words from my son. :D While I don't really mind not getting anything - except if I got a snow plow - that would be the best ever for me - I like to see my son open his gifts and I love to see his face light up when he gets something he wants.

I think this year classifies as a fairly successful holiday season for Dustin. He scored big! He got:

* Several games for his Wii and PlayStation, what they're called I can't remember (ha!) Sonic something, LOTR, and Spyro something, and Mario Galaxy.
* Kung Fu Panda 2
* A cool red pocket knife
* A collectors pocket knife set
* A Fantasy Knife with display stand
* A Samurai Sword with display stand
* A cool red MP3 player
* A laptop

...and that's not everything!

Yup, a successful Christmas...though he might not get anything for the next five Christmases. LOL

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