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Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Wow, here I go again neglecting my blog. I have good reason though! Really I do.
I've been busy...still writing. I started my second novel and it's been going slower than I had imagined though.

I've been a little stressed out - our last paycheck was only $44. Yeah, you're reading that correctly, $44. That's supposed to last us 2 weeks for bills, food, and gas. HA!

Today was the first official day of school, although my son has been working hard through the summer. The middle school program is a lot different than what he is used to and I think it will take a little time to get used to it and get a routine going. He has to attend live classes three times a week - mandatory to pass to the next grade. His teachers assign him homework and he has to have them turned in by a certain time. I know, it's all normal for you people that attend a regular school, but it's different for us. It's new and exciting, but scary at the same time.

Let's not forget all the wonderful things we have to fix around the house. And I've been working on this laptop I inherited from a friend. It's been frustrating, but I think once I get the laptop running like it should, it should be a pretty screaming machine.

Summer is officially over... it's been cold lately. Our highs have been in the low 60's. I've got to get some more firewood split before it gets too rainy.

Well, there's not much else going on...just busy surviving and schooling. Hope you're all well!!
Have a fantastic weekend!

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