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Monday, September 27, 2010

Can I Stay Home?

I am very blessed to be able to stay at home and school my son. It has been such a wonderful opportunity and he has progressed so much that it's almost mind boggling. But with schooling at home, comes a downside.

This morning my son says "Mom, I don't feel good. Can I stay home from school?" I had a little laugh, gave him some hot tea and his Literature book to read. He groaned. What he had meant to ask was, "Mom can I take a day off from school?"

It's just a little head cold for him. Give him some hot tea and he's usually okay. But he's certainly not sick enough to miss his lessons. Two hours later and he's finished 3/4 of his lessons for the day and he's begging to play on his PlayStation!

Sure you can stay home... haha!

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