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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Plunged into Darkness

My son and I were sitting at our computers writing, reading, and playing games and watching movies when all of a sudden everything went dark. Darn power outage. My computer's backup power supply started to complain and I knew I only had about 5 minutes to save and shut down everything. I searched around for a flashlight and lit some candles and oil lamps.

Instead of complaining that he could not play computer games, he jumped up and down and said "Mom!! Let's play Uno!" Then, "Mom! Let's play Yahtzee!" He beat me at all the games we played. The power just barely came back on, and he said, "Ahhh! I wanted to play Mouse Trap!"

As soon as I am done posting this, I'm off to play Mouse Trap. I'm so glad my son is open to playing "old fashioned" games!

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