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Friday, December 25, 2009

The Best Christmas Present Ever

I received the best Christmas present ever this morning.

I have not talked with my dad for a good 10 years. I took a chance this year and sent him a Christmas card with pictures of my son and my phone number. Earlier this morning my phone rang as it usually does on Christmas. I was downstairs putting wood in the wood stove and my son yelled down the stairs "MOM! The phone is ringing!" I asked who it was and he says he doesn't know. The number was unfamiliar. A few moments later, my phone beeps to tell me I have a voice message and so I listened. I didn't listen very far because as soon as I heard the voice, I hung up and dialed the number back.

It was my dad! We talked for a good 2 hours and caught up with each other. My son got to talk to him too. He has never gotten to talk to his grandpa because the last he saw him he was just a baby. It was really good to hear from him and it also offered me some closure - I was not sure if he was still alive because the last I had heard, he had surgery and his health was not so good. I am happy to hear that he's still alive and kicking and more importantly, I'm excited to have contact with him again!

I might not have the money to buy gifts, I might not have the money for vacations, but right now I feel like the richest person in the world. My dad and I got the best Christmas present ever! :D

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

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