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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's the End of the World!!

Planets lining up, meteor showers, and the galactic equator causing polar shifts - is it the end of the world?!?! I won't even go there.

I happened upon an article about a meteor shower that has been happening for the past couple of days and it peaked my interest seeing as how I enjoy anything astronomy. The Orionid Meteor shower peaked just before dawn this morning, but can still be seen Thursday before dawn, though not as brilliant. Unfortunately, we had cloud cover this morning. I'm going to try to catch it tomorrow. Where is the Orionid shower going to come from? Close to Orion's belt of coarse. But where is it?? In our sky it is usually southwest and can only be seen in the fall and winter. To verify where it was going to be, I pulled up the website called Sky and Telescope which has a nice interactive sky map that shows you what will be in your sky at what times. It's pretty handy. So I was looking through tomorrow morning at 5 am I happened to notice that 4 planets will line up. At 6 the sun will line up as well. The moon and Jupiter appear to follow the same path during our day time today. I don't think it is an exact alignment because there would have been a big story about it, but they are really close. Is it some kind of universal event? Who knows. I just think it was really very interesting to see how close the planets were lining up.

Maybe it is time to get out my telescope and camera!

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