All weekend he was totally fine and as soon as we got to the hospital and he had to get an iv, he started shaking. Poor little thing was scared. And so was I.
I know it was a minor procedure, and his Dr has done these kinds of things many times, but when it's your own, you always worry about those possibilities that might happen.
The nurses and doctors came in and out of pre op and took vitals, gave him happy drugs, and got him all ready. Then they wheeled him away.
Hubby and I walked back to the waiting room and we waited.
For 10 minutes.
Then a nurse came out and said that the doctor was almost done, just putting the finishing touches on. He would be out to talk to us in about 15 minutes.
So we waited.
For 2 minutes.
My son's doctor came out and told us everything went well and he was in stage 1 recovery where they first wake up. He would be ready for stage 2 in 30 minutes.
So we waited again.
A nurse came out to get us and told us that he was in stage 2 and we could see him. Hubby and I went in and found him fully aware and gabbing away to the doctors and nurses.

He looked like he was visiting the spa! LOL
We sat with him while they watched and took vitals and a few post op things. Then they gave him something to eat and drink.
Then a nurse brought his "hardware" to him. The nails that had been in his leg for the past 4 months.

45 minutes later and we were on our way home. The actual surgery took less time than driving into town!
He's home and doing well. Dr orders to use crutches for a few days and eat light til tomorrow. He has his knee all bandaged up and goes back for post op check up Monday.
Wow! Does he get to keep his nails? It is so amazing everything went so quickly.
Yeah, he has them in a baggie next to his bed. They are heavier than I thought! I'm glad it went quick...less worry. ha!
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