How wrong was I?
The next day I saw this cute little bird watching over my garden. Or is it EATING my garden? It watched me for about 15 minutes as I weeded my potatoes.

Two days later, I get an awesome snapshot of the moon - I love the coloration of the sky.

Then hubby came home after a very long time out . We had so much to do! We went through all the boxes and things from the old house and threw half of it away or gave to Goodwill. You know, old clothes that didn't fit anymore or were way out of style. I'm sure they'll come back in style soon though. I can't believe that I still had clothes from high school! The later part of his home time, I was walking around the house watering my plants and I heard squeaking right above me. I look up and see a small nest of baby birds!

So cute!! I believe they are the babies of the Flycatcher. From up above, they have the same color feathers as the other bird.
And no sooner had I found these little babies when I heard a thud against the window and saw feathers floating toward the ground. I'm sure the bird just stunned itself, so I went outside to see if it was okay. I saw it - poor little thing broke it's neck. Poor little bird...

At the old house, I had never seen so many different kinds of birds!We had robins and chickadees and an occasional mountain blue jay. When we moved out here, I have seen more different types of birds! Ohh and bugs too... so many different bugs out here! No wonder the birds like it out here! haha!
Finally, this morning, even as I type this blog, I notice that there are tons of cars pulling into our driveway and sitting there for 5-10 minutes at a time and driving off just in time for another to take its place. Then I noticed that they are painted and have team numbers written on them. What the...?? It's the Spokane to Sandpoint Scenic Relay Race!

The runners cover 185 miles running from Spokane, WA to Sandpoint, ID over the river and through the woods... lol Apparently, at one of the major exchanges, runners take a quick ride on Tremors, one of Siilverwoods famous roller coasters! We are on the finishing leg of the race. Very cool! I can cheer all the runners on from my computer - I can see out the front window from there!
No doubt there will be many more surprises while we're here - and many good ones I hope!
Oh! The babies are TOO CUTE!!!
They are....and they just flew away. :( They were adorable flying off - looked just like mama bird only smaller!
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