For many school has already started and for some it will start very soon. Most of the time kids aren't happy with the idea of going back to school. It means that their vacation is over and it's back to work. The prospect of putting away the video games and bringing out the books is no fun. I'm sure some parents like this time of year because they get to send their kids away for the day.
For me, it is the same as it is for the kids. It means to put away the games and movies and pull out the teacher guides and schedules. It means that I have to stay on top of my son and make sure he is doing his school work.
Home schooling is a lot of work - and it's not for everyone - but the work is very rewarding. Your child gets one on one help, they get a customized path to learning, and they have a flexible schedule. It doesn't seem like a whole lot really, but it makes all the difference in the world!
As I think back on the time my son was at a regular public school, I think if he had remained there, they had wanted to place him on a path that would have held him back - literally, they wanted to make him re-do Kindie class, but it would have also held him back mentally and intellectually.
Since he has been in the program we're in now, he has excelled beyond my expectations! He's working two full grades ahead of his age group, scoring in his state tests with students that are about to graduate, and thinking outside the box with ideas perplexing to the average person. I think I made the right choice when I decided to pull him out of the regular public school and home school him.
The vacation is over and it's Back to School - I say bring it on!