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Monday, August 2, 2010


I have been floundering back and forth for several weeks on writing my second novel. Some days I wanted to write but had no ideas to work from and other days I had ideas but no desire to write. I think most of my non-motivation was because I was lacking an outline. The ideas were there, but I was disconnected on how to tie them all together.

Today I spent all day on the phone with my husband talking out ideas while he drove. I don't know of what he heard, but as I talked out my plans for the book, I could see the entire story play out before my eyes. After I got off the phone, I was able to write out the outline for the rest of my second novel and start the outline for the third. I even have an ending to the series! I was excited when I finally saw the death of the main villain in the story and felt as if the story was over. Glad to have rid myself of this villain, another more sinister villain has made its way to the forefront of my mind.

Although I have already written 6 chapters in book 2, I feel as if I have not written anything. but now, I am extremely excited to start writing again. I have my path laid before my feet, now I must simply follow it.

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