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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Back to the Routine

Wow, what a great vacation getaway with my husband! I won't even go into details because I think it will bore you all, but I will say that I had an absolutely wonderful time. It was very relaxing and I didn't have to worry about anything at home- it was all taken care of.

My husband and I spent every moment together enjoying each other - yeah yeah, in more ways than one. *wink*

We were so relaxed and at peace and on the way home...

Yup...the car broke down. We were 100 miles from home when it happened and we had to have it towed. My husband suspects it's either the fuel pump or fuel filter, but regardless, we had to have it towed 100 miles on a holiday weekend. What an ending to our vacation! LOL

We had fun though and enjoyed every moment of our trip, but at this moment I'm exhausted and taking it easy. In a few days I might get the energy to post pictures!

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