My son asked me why I was grinning like a crazy woman and I handed him the envelope. He asked me what it was and of coarse I told him to open it and find out...but be VERY careful opening it. He looked at me strange and opened it carefully.
As soon as he got it out of the envelope he screamed. I was expecting this, but it still startled me and made everyone else in the parking lot look in our direction. haha
"OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!" My son screamed and his eyes fixated on his "mail".
I know you're thinking...what the heck is it??
He was awarded with The Presidential Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence!

The PAEOAE (as I am calling it) has been around for about 27 years that awards students for their academic success. One of the criteria for this award is high scores on standardized state and national tests. Many parents have no idea what these are because their children attend public schools, but when you're a homeschool mom, you have to take your child in for these tests. It's a very big deal. Well, my son, whom I am extremely proud of, has scored (on every test) in the 99th percentile. Which means that he scored better than 99% of kids taking the test.
Anyway, Dustin (and I) are very excited that he was awarded the PAEOAE! Way to go Dustin!! We are so proud of you!!