I don't know what suddenly happened, but I am getting calls almost every hour of the day. I have turned the ringer off to phone numbers that are not in my contact list, so I don't even hear it ring anymore. I will happen to look over and see that I have 20 missed calls. Sheesh!
Out of 20 missed calls, only 2 left voice messages. I listened to my voice mail after missing a call I actually wanted and suddenly people are calling me about selling me their service. Please call them back blah blah blah. Yeah right.
I never signed up for anything and I never put my phone number online for that very reason, but I suspect that someone else has. And I know just who you are. If you think it irritates me, you're wrong. As I said less than a second ago, I don't even hear the phone ring. ha. It is so sad when an adult has to act so childlike. At least I can take the higher road and not give in to such stupid games.
Well anyway, it doesn't matter that I get all these unsolicited calls because I'm constantly on the phone with my husband or mother. In fact, my husband and I talk so much that I usually have to charge my phone 2-3 times a day! And it never fails that when my husband calls, so does my mother. So I'm always on the phone. Then someone else I want to talk to calls. haha!
I guess I am popular after all! I think perhaps I need to embed a phone in my head or something! haha!
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