This past week I ended up getting a new cell phone with Bluetooth capabilities. It's awesome! I have had the same cell phone since 2005 and it was still functioning nicely, but my husband's phone broke and was not working properly. Earlier in the week I was told to buy one of those prepaid phones and swap out the sim card and my husband would have a new phone. So I figured, sure, that's what I would do.
My husband came home for his home time and I told him about this prepaid phone route to get him a new phone and he happily agreed. So we ran our errands and ended up at the new AT&T store they had built in our little town to search out prepaid phones.
Before we had gone, I did some research and picked a phone I thought my husband would be happy with and printed out my research. I presented it to the AT&T rep and was told that phone wasn't being offered as a prepaid phone in the store. They were slower to get the plans than the website. Then he suggested that the cheapest price on these prepaids was, surprisingly, at Walmart. He suggested we go there and get one.
As we were in the store my husband and the phone rep talked phone techy talk and my son spotted a red phone he thought was cool. He brought it to me and told me how cool it was. I nodded, waved him off, and looked around the store. They had all kinds of nifty phones that looked like miniature computers. Cool, but I don't need one of those.
Then I heard the guys talking about my phone. It was a good phone, a strong phone, a very well built phone. My husband wished he could *have* my phone. But it was old. So? It was still a good phone. I kept looking around and spotted this red phone that my son had shown me and I played with it for a bit and looked up at my husband and said, "I kind of like this phone."
It was settled. We would get *me* the new phone and give my husband my phone. To top it off, I got my phone for only $30. Yup. How cool! I signed my contract for my upgrade and walked out of the store playing with my new toy as my husband drove off to run more errands. I took lots of pictures with my little phone camera- which was very cool for me since my other phone did not have one.
I quickly discovered that my phone was Bluetooth. Who cares? Every phone has Bluetooth now. I did not know this. I thought only the upper end phones had this. I got very excited and wanted to check out headsets at Walmart. $18 later I have a headset! Woot! Then around the corner was something even cooler! A Bluetooth USB adapter - I can transfer songs and pictures back and forth from computer to phone. Awesome! $20 later, I'm adding songs and images and making them ring tones and caller images.
Ever since, I've been playing with my new little toy and my husband left with a much better phone than what he had...and my son now has a cell phone that he plays with.
Bluetooth is so cool...