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Sunday, June 14, 2009

My Hero

Someone asked me who my hero was. I can't choose any one person to be my hero, so I chose husband, my mother in law, and my own mother. Why are they my heros? Read on and find out.

My husband...he's been through everything imaginable (and then some)and keeps a positive outlook on life. He stands up for what is right - I can't tell you how much crap he has gotten because of it, but he still stands his ground, he's a fighter. He is the most honest man I have ever met, you can count on his word. He is a wonderful role model and I am glad to have him in my life.

My husband's mom...she is a breast cancer survivor and an awesome woman. She always finds the good in people, even if there isn't any. She is always helping other people and really enjoys it.

My mom...she had the courage to raise my sister and me by herself in the worst possible situations and did an excellent job of it. To this day, I thank my mom for what she has sacrificed and consider her one of my best friends. :D

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