Very early this morning, I had to take my husband to his truck...he couldn't park it at the house because the driveway is muddy. It was only a 4 mile trip, no big deal right?
Apparently not.
I dropped him off at his truck and headed back home. Traffic *just* started picking up and the log trucks and dump trucks were already out. I glanced in my rear view mirror and noticed a dump truck pulling a pup about two cars behind me. I only made notice of it and made my way home. I was home in less than 5 minutes after dropping off my husband. As soon as I got home, I called my husband to tell him I got home okay and talk to him for a few minutes before the kids got up. He had just left and was asking if I had seen an accident on my way home. Nope.
Apparently someone was going northbound and just swerved over into the southbound lane and got smashed into the pup of a dump truck. My husband, being the wonderful man he is, stopped, got out and ran to help the person in the car. There was a little old lady, unconscious and bleeding from her chest, the car door jammed shut and the dashboard crushed her legs. He ran for his wench bar and pried the door open just as the ambulance and fire department was pulling up. (My hero!)
So why do I feel so blessed? Isn't it obvious? That could have been me she hit. I could have been severely injured or even killed. The accident happened seconds behind me. I feel very alive and gracious that I have escaped the accident. And even better... my husband was the one that pulled her out and saved her life!
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
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