This person is twisted in every sense. Emotionally and mentally. This person always seeks to write themselves in history as the "good guy" and makes us out to be the "bad guy". This person continually slanders us and lies and makes up things just so that they can justify their actions.
Does it bother me? Hell no. Why? Because I know what is true and I am a strong enough person to not let things bother me. Especially when it's coming from a twisted person who doesn't even know reality. If it doesn't bother me, then why am I posting this blog? Because if by chance this person happens to see it they will know it doesn't bother me. That is, if that person believes what I posted...which I seriously doubt will happen. Which then leads me to another issue which I think I will go ahead and post about, but I'll get to that in a minute.
This person may think they know me or my husband, but they don't. They don't even know the first thing about us. They *think* they do only because they spent a long time with my husband, but that doesn't mean they actually got to know him. This person may think they know me, but how on earth can they know me if they have never talked to me, seen me, or even met me?
Now back to what I was going to say. In my many years of research on human behavior, I have come to the conclusion that this person has Schizophrenia. Why Schizophrenia? Well, this person displays 99% symptoms of this mental illness including but not limited to:
* Not be able to think clearly
* Not know the difference between what is real and what is not real
* Have trouble managing emotions
* Have a hard time making decisions
* Not relate well to other people
Now I know that I am not a doctor, but I have actually spent a large portion of my life with doctors and helping people work through their issues that I can recognize symptoms of mental illness. Hell, maybe I should get a doctorate so that I can officially be qualified to make that diagnosis. Regardless, this person has serious problems that need to be dealt with. If not for themselves, but for their children, who are at danger whether they know it or not.
I'm not one to judge someone, and this isn't a judgment, it's an observation. The purpose of this blog today isn't to "clear my name". Nor is it to slam this person in response to their slander - have you noticed that I haven't mentioned any names or even whether this person is male or female? The purpose of this blog is just to blog. To write what is on my mind at the moment, and this happens to be what is on my mind. I truly hope that one day this person can eventually see that they need help and get it. Not only would it benefit us, but it would benefit themselves even more- and more importantly, their family.
Best wishes to all!
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