- Frederick Keonig
I don't know how many people I've heard whine about what they don't have. I ran across a woman that was whining about how her husband only gave her $1200 a week. Hello?! $1200 a week? That's more than most people make, and you are whining about only getting that much? Here I was struggling to even buy groceries that week and it disgusted me that this woman was having a temper tantrum over only getting only $1200 a week.
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every person's need, but not every person's greed."
- Mahatma Gandhi
Yup. The Earth does provide all you need. I guess it's just a matter of whether or not a person will work the Earth and benefits from it or be lazy and depend on others to do the work. But being lazy is yet another blog. haha
Be appreciative of what you have. That's not to say you can't strive for better, just be thankful for what you have.
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