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Monday, January 16, 2012

Egg Scrambler

I've discovered a quick and easy breakfast without the mess! Egg Scramblers!

What you need:

2 eggs
Cheese - I usually use shredded cheese out of the pack
Bacon Pieces - real bacon pieces are best, but bacon bits work too.
Spices - salt, pepper, garlic, etc.
Coffee Cup

What to do:

Crack the eggs into the coffee cup, add cheese, bacon, and spices. With your fork, whip it all up. Make sure it's all mixed up.

Microwave for 45 seconds.


Microwave for 45 seconds again.

Poke around to make sure egg is cooked, if it's not, microwave for 20 second intervals until cooked through.

Sprinkle with more cheese and bacon.

Microwave 20 seconds to melt cheese.

Eat! Mmmmm!!

To clean, just fill cup with soap and water. :D

Happy New Year?

Yeah, I know it's a bit late considering that January is half over now. I know I've neglected my blog. I haven't really had much to say lately...or is it that I have had lots to say, but it's just a jumbled mess in my head and I haven't sorted it out yet? That's it for sure!

Well, instead of droning on with silly updates that I'm sure bores you all to sleep, I'll post a picture.
Sorry Facebook friends, I know you've already seen it, but I had to post it on my blog too. ;)

Yesterday there were some heavy looking snow clouds that looked like they were about to fall out of the sky, but what really grabbed my attention was that they were sitting just over the sunset and the glow of the sun made the clouds look really awesome, so I had to take a picture. It was snowing some flurries while I took the picture, you might see a few flakes in there.

Click to enlarge.