Lately I have seen a lot of local signs and posters that encourage people to vote for them for commissioner or sheriff or whatever it is they are running for. The signs usually clutter the (usually) pretty scenery and can get quite annoying. But the thing I really hate to see is for these people that are running act like 2 year olds.
The other day my son and I were at the post office and as soon as I jumped out of the car, I heard this guy start yelling at this old man. He screamed something about the old man hitting his car. I happened to glance in their direction as I entered the post office and I didn't see any damage. Then I heard the man yell, "You are old enough to know better...blah blah will pay for this!" Deep inside, while getting my mail, and going to the counter to mail a package, I could still hear the man yelling. I was in there for a good 10 minutes.
When I came back out, he was still yelling at the old man, but now they were inside the post office. The man yelling was insisting that the old man pay for the damage and whatnot and I think they were exchanging insurance info. As I reached the door, the old man said "Sir, I did not hit your car and I will fight this."
People coming in and out of the post office were disgusted with this public display of this guy yelling at this old man. By the way, this old man had remained calm and collected through out all of this.
Back in the car, my son commented about what a jerk the sheriff was. When I asked him what he meant, he said that the man yelling had screamed to the old man that he was the sheriff. seems almost everywhere you go more and more officers of the law have a big ego and like to make scenes.
As I left the post office there was a massive sign that said "Re-Elect Sheriff Whats-His-Name!" I snorted, after seeing the "sheriff" yell at the old man like that, whether or not the old man hit his car, he handled the situation poorly. Okay, sure, I would be upset if someone hit my car, but I would not be making a scene about it in a public place like the post office, especially if I was a public figurehead and I was up for re-election. There are other ways that he could have handled the situation, but he chose to make a big ugly scene where many of his voters could see it.
Maybe this guy is a good sheriff and he was just having a bad day, who knows? But I don't think I would be voting for him simply because of the behavior I saw. Throwing his weight around as if he's above it all makes him look bad to all of us simple folk. The way he acted for something minor like a fender would he behave if it were something more serious?
"You hit my car and I'm going to make you pay! Vote for me!"
Something to think about...
Friday, May 11, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Aurora Light Show

Yesterday I was thrilled when there was another chance to catch a glimpse of the elusive Aurora Borealis. The skies were clear, and they were predicting high activity. That meant that I *might* see it on the horizon.
I kept looking outside, staring hard into the sky, but saw nothing but stars.
"That's okay." I kept telling myself. "They say there is better watching closer to midnight." It was only 10pm.
Rather than staring out the window like I had before, I threw my pillows at the other end of the bed and propped them up so I could at least lie down while watching the sky. I was determined to see them.
I lay there for a while watching the sky and my eyelids started to drop. I knew then that I was probably not going to see the Auroras. I was becoming sleepy and I couldn't stay awak.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
At the moment I wasn't sure why I came out of my sleep, but I did. My eyes remained closed and wished that I could just go back to sleep. The dog was lying on the bed next to me with her "babies" (that's another story!) and it was rather warm in the bedroom, even with the fans running. I kicked the blanket off my and sighed, my eyes still closed.
A few moments later, as I drifted back into unconsciousness, I saw a flash of light and my eyes flew open.
What was that?? I thought, and then jolted up. The Auroras! Of coarse!! Not ever seeing the Auroras before, I had no idea what to expect. Did they give off a flash of light or was it more of a glow? Either way, I was excited and I stood there, staring hard out the window again.
Suddenly, there was a rumble far in the distance. Huh? I didn't see any clouds to the north, it had to be the Auroras...the rumble was just a train or something getting started up again. I was determined to see the northern lights. Anything I see, would be the lights.
There was another flash of light, somewhere from the east, beyond the mountain. Strange. I thought, the northern lights should be north, not east. Then I saw it, a huge bolt of lightning stretching across the sky and the field behind the house, with white hot fingers that spread out towards the tops of the tallest trees.
One Mississippi...
Two Mississippi...
The rumble came. It was not a clash or boom, but a loud rolling thunder that vibrated the air. Then the rain came.
There would be no Aurora that night... but at least we got a pretty good light show!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
5 Yard Rant
I was at the store the other day looking for fabric for a skirt. Hubby came with me to help me pick out something that was complimentary to my fair skin - apparently he doesn't like pastels on a summer girl. haha! We looked at many different fabrics and compared them, I modeled them, and he looked from 15 feet away to make sure it was just right. He picked some fabrics I wasn't crazy about, and I picked some he wasn't crazy about. We went back and forth for a good 30 minutes with the different fabrics and trying to find something good. Then we found a compromise and decided on a simple fabric.
I was happy, he was happy.
Then it was time to get it cut.
While we were looking at fabric, I had noticed that these three women had shown up and started looking too. I thought nothing of it as they were looking at awful prints that I wasn't even remotely interested in. The odd thing about these women was that they were in what looked like, a hurry; snatching up bolts of fabric and throwing them into their carts.
Just as we had decided on our fabric, and I started moving towards the table to get it cut, one of the tree ladies quickly pushes her shopping cart up to the table and throws a bolt of fabric to the cutting lady. She says "I only need one yard." Then she waves her friend over and whispered something to her and her friend goes back to looking for fabric. As the cutting lady cuts, this woman starts piling the bolts of fabric onto the table. She had 24 bolts! "Only one yard of this." She would say as she pushed forward another bolt. "Oh, make that two."
Her friend continued to shop for fabrics and would yell across the room that she found another, then would bring it to this woman, who would pile it up with the others waiting to be cut.
All this time, the third woman was slowly walking around looking at fabric and adding them to her cart, but was assured "her place in line to get it cut" as the woman with (now) 30 bolts was saving her space.
I had one bolt and needed 5 yards.
I waited. And waited. And waited. If I could have gotten this fabric elsewhere, I would have just left, but I've spent several weeks mulling over this skirt design and look. So I waited.
This woman had her friend add another 5 bolts of fabric while she couldn't decide if she wanted 1 or 2 yards of each of the fabrics.
To add insult to injury, she decided that she wanted to start a new ticket because this next set she would get reimbursed for. She bragged on and on to the cutting lady that these fabrics were going to be table covers at an event in which they would pay for the fabric, and at the end, she would get to keep the fabric. She would be getting it for free. Well, she wanted to maximize her freebies and got more than the yard that was required.
By this time, my son has had it, and my husband was no where to be found. I think he ended up finding someone to chat with. I was quickly growing impatient as this woman now had 35 bolts of fabric.
I had been there for at least an hour just to have my measly little 5 yards cut.
Then the woman brags about how the three of them have been hitting every place that sells fabrics within a 100 mile radius.
Come on!
Finally, her 35 bolts of fabric were cut and I was dreading the wait for the other woman who had silently been walking around putting fabric in her cart. I was certain she would jump in and claim her place in line. At the moment she was around the corner looking at something and caught the attention of 35 Bolt Woman. The cutting lady looks at me and says "Let me cut your fabric real quick, she's got a lot!" I quickly glanced at the three woman and they were off being rude to someone else by piling yarn into their baskets now.
I handed the bolt of fabric over and said, "Five yards." The cutting lady quickly measured and started cutting and 35 Bolt Lady turns around and gasps, "She cut in line!" She pointed at me.
Get real woman.
The only reason you "were in line first" was because you pushed your way in front of me and threw fabric at the cutting lady. Having your friend shop for fabric so you don't have to wait in line for me to have five yards cut in just plain rude. Actually it's more than rude, so don't get mad at me.
The cutting lady told 35 Bolt Woman that she would be with her in one moment and to please calm down. She finished printing my ticket and whispered an apology in my direction as 35 Bolt Lady's friend started piling her fabric up on the table. As I quickly walked away, I heard the three bawking (much like chickens) about how rude I was.
Rude, fine. I'll take rude. At least I'm not a first rate b%@&!.
Ahh, drama at the cutting table.....
I was happy, he was happy.
Then it was time to get it cut.
While we were looking at fabric, I had noticed that these three women had shown up and started looking too. I thought nothing of it as they were looking at awful prints that I wasn't even remotely interested in. The odd thing about these women was that they were in what looked like, a hurry; snatching up bolts of fabric and throwing them into their carts.
Just as we had decided on our fabric, and I started moving towards the table to get it cut, one of the tree ladies quickly pushes her shopping cart up to the table and throws a bolt of fabric to the cutting lady. She says "I only need one yard." Then she waves her friend over and whispered something to her and her friend goes back to looking for fabric. As the cutting lady cuts, this woman starts piling the bolts of fabric onto the table. She had 24 bolts! "Only one yard of this." She would say as she pushed forward another bolt. "Oh, make that two."
Her friend continued to shop for fabrics and would yell across the room that she found another, then would bring it to this woman, who would pile it up with the others waiting to be cut.
All this time, the third woman was slowly walking around looking at fabric and adding them to her cart, but was assured "her place in line to get it cut" as the woman with (now) 30 bolts was saving her space.
I had one bolt and needed 5 yards.
I waited. And waited. And waited. If I could have gotten this fabric elsewhere, I would have just left, but I've spent several weeks mulling over this skirt design and look. So I waited.
This woman had her friend add another 5 bolts of fabric while she couldn't decide if she wanted 1 or 2 yards of each of the fabrics.
To add insult to injury, she decided that she wanted to start a new ticket because this next set she would get reimbursed for. She bragged on and on to the cutting lady that these fabrics were going to be table covers at an event in which they would pay for the fabric, and at the end, she would get to keep the fabric. She would be getting it for free. Well, she wanted to maximize her freebies and got more than the yard that was required.
By this time, my son has had it, and my husband was no where to be found. I think he ended up finding someone to chat with. I was quickly growing impatient as this woman now had 35 bolts of fabric.
I had been there for at least an hour just to have my measly little 5 yards cut.
Then the woman brags about how the three of them have been hitting every place that sells fabrics within a 100 mile radius.
Come on!
Finally, her 35 bolts of fabric were cut and I was dreading the wait for the other woman who had silently been walking around putting fabric in her cart. I was certain she would jump in and claim her place in line. At the moment she was around the corner looking at something and caught the attention of 35 Bolt Woman. The cutting lady looks at me and says "Let me cut your fabric real quick, she's got a lot!" I quickly glanced at the three woman and they were off being rude to someone else by piling yarn into their baskets now.
I handed the bolt of fabric over and said, "Five yards." The cutting lady quickly measured and started cutting and 35 Bolt Lady turns around and gasps, "She cut in line!" She pointed at me.
Get real woman.
The only reason you "were in line first" was because you pushed your way in front of me and threw fabric at the cutting lady. Having your friend shop for fabric so you don't have to wait in line for me to have five yards cut in just plain rude. Actually it's more than rude, so don't get mad at me.
The cutting lady told 35 Bolt Woman that she would be with her in one moment and to please calm down. She finished printing my ticket and whispered an apology in my direction as 35 Bolt Lady's friend started piling her fabric up on the table. As I quickly walked away, I heard the three bawking (much like chickens) about how rude I was.
Rude, fine. I'll take rude. At least I'm not a first rate b%@&!.
Ahh, drama at the cutting table.....
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Secrets of the Soul
For the past two years, my husband has been working on his novel. We have been working intensely on editing it so that we could get it published.
Today I am proud to present my husband's book, published and available on Amazon as a paperback and for the Kindle!
- In Chaos, There Is Opportunity…
- Raythoriz
Today I am proud to present my husband's book, published and available on Amazon as a paperback and for the Kindle!

The world is in chaos thanks to the short sighted stupidity of Asous and his companions. The very fabric of the dimensional universe will be unraveled unless Melkatees, Raythoriz, and their four apprentices can alter the events and restore balance. The alliance between Asous and powerful beings from other worlds will make this a difficult task.
- In Chaos, There Is Opportunity…
- Raythoriz
Secrets of the Soul Available on Amazon!
If you don't own a Kindle, you can download the free Kindle for PC here.
My husband already has several ideas for a series of books, so the story won't end with this book! It's exciting; my husband is now a published author!
My husband already has several ideas for a series of books, so the story won't end with this book! It's exciting; my husband is now a published author!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Egg Scrambler
I've discovered a quick and easy breakfast without the mess! Egg Scramblers!
What you need:
2 eggs
Cheese - I usually use shredded cheese out of the pack
Bacon Pieces - real bacon pieces are best, but bacon bits work too.
Spices - salt, pepper, garlic, etc.
Coffee Cup
What to do:
Crack the eggs into the coffee cup, add cheese, bacon, and spices. With your fork, whip it all up. Make sure it's all mixed up.
Microwave for 45 seconds.
Microwave for 45 seconds again.
Poke around to make sure egg is cooked, if it's not, microwave for 20 second intervals until cooked through.
Sprinkle with more cheese and bacon.
Microwave 20 seconds to melt cheese.
Eat! Mmmmm!!
To clean, just fill cup with soap and water. :D
What you need:
2 eggs
Cheese - I usually use shredded cheese out of the pack
Bacon Pieces - real bacon pieces are best, but bacon bits work too.
Spices - salt, pepper, garlic, etc.
Coffee Cup
What to do:
Crack the eggs into the coffee cup, add cheese, bacon, and spices. With your fork, whip it all up. Make sure it's all mixed up.
Microwave for 45 seconds.
Microwave for 45 seconds again.
Poke around to make sure egg is cooked, if it's not, microwave for 20 second intervals until cooked through.
Sprinkle with more cheese and bacon.
Microwave 20 seconds to melt cheese.
Eat! Mmmmm!!
To clean, just fill cup with soap and water. :D
Happy New Year?
Yeah, I know it's a bit late considering that January is half over now. I know I've neglected my blog. I haven't really had much to say lately...or is it that I have had lots to say, but it's just a jumbled mess in my head and I haven't sorted it out yet? That's it for sure!
Well, instead of droning on with silly updates that I'm sure bores you all to sleep, I'll post a picture.
Sorry Facebook friends, I know you've already seen it, but I had to post it on my blog too. ;)
Yesterday there were some heavy looking snow clouds that looked like they were about to fall out of the sky, but what really grabbed my attention was that they were sitting just over the sunset and the glow of the sun made the clouds look really awesome, so I had to take a picture. It was snowing some flurries while I took the picture, you might see a few flakes in there.
Well, instead of droning on with silly updates that I'm sure bores you all to sleep, I'll post a picture.
Sorry Facebook friends, I know you've already seen it, but I had to post it on my blog too. ;)
Yesterday there were some heavy looking snow clouds that looked like they were about to fall out of the sky, but what really grabbed my attention was that they were sitting just over the sunset and the glow of the sun made the clouds look really awesome, so I had to take a picture. It was snowing some flurries while I took the picture, you might see a few flakes in there.
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