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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Where to Make the Cuts?

Living day to day and paycheck to paycheck is stressful enough, but when you add in rising gas and food prices and lowering wages, or even loosing your job, makes it even worse.

That's when people start cutting. Cut the satellite tv, the trips to see grandma, vacation (what's that?), selling cars, boats, and toys.

But what do you cut when there is nothing more to cut? Food? Power?

What do you do when you're already hauling water and heating your house with wood and still can't afford to make basic living expenses?

What do you do when you have already sold everything of value, you don't even have a table to eat at? You don't eat?

What do you do when you're so far down and when you look up, all you can see are people tossing more dirt over your head?

Welcome to my world.

This is how my family has lived for nearly 10 years - thanks in part to many circumstances beyond most peoples' wildest imaginations.

Even still, we survive. I don't know how we do it...I really don't, but through all of the craziness, we've made it; still standing.

Each tough time that comes around, I wonder "Will we make it?"

Will we? Will we be able to push through the rising taxes, pay cuts, stupid laws that will make our lives more difficult?

A simple and probably most stupidly used answer these days is "Yes we can." (I feel an inward UGH! here....folks) But the jest of it is, yes. We will make it. It might seem bleak and overwhelming at actually will be bleak and overwhelming, but when it's over, we will all be much stronger than before for each challenge we face is always tougher than the last.

I know sometimes that sounds a bit pessimistic, you know you don't want to go through something worse, but when that's over, you can smile, put it behind you, and move forward.


On a side note - sorry I haven't blogged in a really long time! I've been busy writing, crocheting, teaching, (surviving!), gardening, and preparing my son for his big Middle School Science Project presentation. It's this Friday so wish him luck!!

Oh, and I'm in the process of creating a new blog for crafting - painting, crochet, costumes, all those fun things I do in my spare time (what's that?)! I hope to launch it sometime this summer. :D