By definition compassion is sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it. (
How many times have you practiced compassion this year? I don't mean listening to someone tell you their sad story and just nodding your head or offering little words of encouragement. How many times have you actually *done* something to help alleviate someone's distress? Practicing compassion can be difficult, but very rewarding.
There are some who are only interested in helping others. They are interested in the welfare and good of others and will often sacrifice their own life (things they like to do, their time, etc).
Then there are the kinds of people who think..."Why should I be compassionate? No one is ever compassionate towards me!" All the more reason to try to at least be compassionate. You know the Golden Rule; "Do Unto Others As You Have Them Do Unto You." Or "What Goes Around Comes Around." Just try it. It may take a while to come back to you, but in time, it will.
Then there are those who intentionally do things to harm others then sit back and watch as they suffer. Okay, now I don't think these types of people are even capable of compassion. Mainly because their intentions are never good and mostly they are only interested in their own lives and worlds. These people are considered extremely selfish.
I would like to think of myself as somewhere between the first two. Sometimes I feel a little selfish, but then someone will need my help and I'll offer it willingly. What type of person are you? Have you tried acting with compassion lately?
Have a wonderful sunny day!